Taylor at playoffs today, she realy can't slay
Why does she always have to exaggerate…? What was that at 15 seconds?
Suspiciously Rahilian
Looking for someone who likes to songwrite/perform :)
What Gave You Joy This Week? - weekly thread
I'm a woman living alone for the first time, high as fuck. Help me find a good movie 😜✌️
So Rahilian
Distinguishing the calm of core self from the calm of freeze state
When does it end?
Many Boomers are finally catching on now that their kids are being screwed over
realization about my first love/dating relationship
first time, what do we think?
What shower curtain would you use in this bathroom?
IFS Workbook "book club"
the notion of bingo. tonight? we play 🙏😩
Did Eric write this?
I’m curious about others’ high masking stimming habits when they were young. I’ll go first
I made an AI chatbot that acts as your IFS therapist. You can use it for free. It's helped give me some structure to my IFS sessions. Would love feedback or suggestions on how to improve it.
What kinds of things do your parts want you to know?
IFS Releasing and Singing
I don't know how to do make-up and I feel so ugly...
Joy Tactics Music League
i had sex with 40+ men when i was a teenager