Okay SBMM is a joke
Why Does Our Subreddit Dislike Weapons Like Swords, Shuri claws, Hammers, and Other Overpowered Weapons That Require Little Skill
This might have been the weirdest endgame of my life
Basic/Intermediate skills to help winning percent
Merry Christmas y‘all
Dead once in reload = fully dead
What is your skin that, even after a long time, you stayed loyal to and wore it?
What collab would you instantly buy, even though you know it will never be added?
What level is everyone Finishing this season on?
Fortnite isn't the 'Fortnite Battle Royale it once used to be' What do you think Epic did wrong?
Sometimes I even impress myself with how bad I can be at this game…
Whare are you all from?
God damn it.
What was the first location (specifically) you dropped in your first match ever?
Quick weapon bug on PS5
Finally hit Diamond 3 for the first time…
Quick weapon swap
I want to talk about this. Some might not care [Quick Weapon]
What are your fav male, female, and crossover skin?
Is it just me or is kill trading TOO common now
What do they mean by this?!
Tldr; Ch5S1: Third party snipe the last frenzy auto fight.
Weekly 'What Should I Buy' and Order/Shipping Thread
New meta: Flowberry Fizz. Old meta: Getting sniped.