Is the LogSeq Dev team still active? (Last blog post aug 2023)
Next Cloud is not working in podman
Still having the tab S7. What is next?
Want to run seafile CE in a podman container. Possible?
Looking for a docker compose that can work on podman
Do Podman in Oracle Linux supports Docker Compose?
Testing seafile on local machine. Not possible to open some file in the browser.
Where to start with kotlin?
For new hardware. Should I use unstable or testing?
Possible to sync two file servers on one clinet application?
Dolphin is crashing when taking a backup.
Xfce 4.20 Tour
Need a system that can be saved if it breaks
Question. Do WLAN Group works for my use case?
AlmaLinux 9.5 and ZFS problem: is it fixed?
I tired Debian using the Live DVD? I have some questions.
First time deploying Omada. 5 SSID working except 1.
Looking for a dark theme.
Anyone tried to use Ansible with Omada?
Can I schedule an AP to turn on or off in a specified time?
Syncing notes using Synology Drive. Mobile?
Any one using Alma Linux Kitten 10 as a daily driver?
Using the rust software that is included with Alma Linux 9.4
almalinux 9.5 is updated. open zfs is not working.