H: Excavator PA torso with jet pack, Ultracite Kinetic Dynamo plan, Ultracite Jet pack helmet, Ultracite Jet pack arm W: Leaders
H:mods W: thru hiker / overeaters mods read description plz
H:mods W: overeaters mods/vanguard mods read description plz
W: Rangers H: Mods in pic
H: 3x blooded mod W: 2x overeaters (3:2)
H: mods w: 2* strong mod
H: glowing unicorn w: reverse scout mask
W: 1 Battle Loaders and 1 Choo Choo H: 4 star mods
H: Quad, uny, vampire mods, + leaders W: AP lvc, 15reload, last round, 90rw mods
H: Glowing turkey mask W: B50c25 alien blaster
[PS] H: Armor/PA Clear Out W: Offers
H: Anchorage & V63-BERTHA W: offers or caps
(Ps4/5) H: Pictures / W: offer of any kind ^^
H: Be15fr Black Powder Blunderbuss W: Bloodied, Vamp or AA Heavies/Commando Weapons Preferably ( Any Offers Are Welcome )
What is this worth and is this legacy?
W:BE25 combat rifle, BE radium rifle H:masks
H: V2525 ad W: Other ad offers or apparel offers
H:AA/25/50bs Enclave Flamer +5k cartridges W:B/SS/+1S Power Fist
H: V2515 EPF W: B50c25 Fixer
H: 20 leaders W: 10000 caps
Price check lmg
H: Q2525 AD W: TFJ
Calling all Gauss Rifleman!
Anyone got a good energy build?
H: Heavy Boiz W: Stash space, apparel/leaders/gb3/ll3