Destiny 1 Moon Screenshots Recreated in Destiny 2
how long until a completed title goes under deluxe ?
Hololive EN Gen 15 in the making
/r/SaGa_ReuniverSe Help Thread (2024/02/02)
Link to Fan translated Ghost in the Shell Arise: Sleepless Eye Manga?
Clicking on a province name in the Religion menu should take you to it
Why isn't this piracy agenda complete?
I don't think I've ever seen such high total reasons (aside from +/- 1000)
Manga/Anime recommendations similar to HNK?
NPR quits Twitter after being labeled as 'state-affiliated media'
This second printing came before the first (I mostly just want to know why and if it's normal, but don't know where else to post)
This clipboard made from a recycled computer board
Spy x Cobra Kai
Uhhh is anybody gonna tell them...?
Best Ending Ever
Texans celebrate DOW hitting 30,000 by lining up for free food.
Wrongfully-convicted Black man, freed after 44 years in prison, calls release "breathtaking"
Daily Thread - Q&A Tuesday - No Question is a Bad Question Megathread
[USA][H] Borderlands, BFV, Doom Eternal, FO76, Hitman 2, JC4, others (All PS4) || [W] Death Stranding, Control, Jedi: Fallen Order, The Division (All PS4)
All circles are perfect circles. Anything else isn't a circle.
/r/Gamesale and /r/Gameswap Completed Sales Thread (Feb 2020)
[USA-ME] [H] (PS4) Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, The Divison, The Crew [W] PS4 Offers