Characters who directly witnessed their parents’ violent ends as children, then made it their mission to kill the man responsible.
Characters that are posed exactly like their Mugshot/Picture
Grineer minis
Show me the derpiest model from an official GW box art. I'll start:
WiP Exorcists
Phobos kill team Reivers
Moments/Fights where the hero makes the villain just genuinely uncomfortable
Villains who’s name leave no doubt they’re evil
Characters who model their deeds/actions after fictional characters.
Reactions to playing in public not good
“I’ve got a job for you” characters
absolutely metal
Characters who went on an insane tangent about a specific food
"Morticia's stress relief" by RulerNogard [OC]
Rattling Fixer
Pretty weird but true fact
Breech loading flintlock with preloaded chambers (part 1)
Lesser known important Commissars?
Japanese Type 97 20mm Anti-Tank gun replica
Side characters who turn out to be the main antagonist all along.
Homemade Sardines:WHAT
The Antichrist
How would you proxy all or some of these? Other than NPOs
Kill Team Deathstroke is ready action
My 'Angels of Deathstroke' are finally done
Fellgor raiders proxy