My cat, Kelsier, decided ROW was an excellent cushion.
Deepest One Spotted
This may or may not be inspired by true events.
What’s your yearly reading goal?
Finally got a kindle
Anyone want a SMILE tour shirt?
Still haven’t broken a bone
TIFU: trying to free a golf ball from a roulette wheel
I graduated last week and this was my cap!
What song are y’all playing?
Vin Sculpture
what are some of yall's omori hot takes
Spoiler meme!!!!
First time. 14 years late. My body is ready
Favorite Skyrim YouTuber?
When artist friends get together to make a custom set of cards [Giveaway inside]
This is officially my favorite Corpse Party quote.
Hoisted by my own petard
Anything to prevent deranking. 💀💀
I want a game like omori
Should I open these cages?
All the OMORI plushies 🩷
I really think they should never break up
Secret handshake
Surfing with high heels