If Eminem punched you in the face, what lyric of his would you respond with?
Let’s get triggered y’all
what is tylers most criminally underrated song?
Give Me Your Favorite TØP Song and I'll rate out of 10
The Line is dark blue! What tøp song is purple?
Tell me you like Tyler, The Creator without telling me you like Tyler, The Creator
Forest is green! What tøp song is light blue?
Act as if it’s your first time listening to Tyler
Give me a Tyler song and I’ll rate it /10
Wikipedia has some explaining to do
Best feature in any of Tyler's songs?
Name your favourite Tyler song
Uno, Dos, Tre!
What tyler the creator song makes you want to orgasm?
I ranked Tyler’s albums is it valid?
Very thoughtful meme title
Tell me your favourite game
are there any people here who enjoy teal
Favorite song on recovery?
If CHROMAKOPIA ever gets a deluxe, what do you think it’ll be called? Give me some of your ideas as well
What is a song or album that everyone seems to like, but you just can't get into
Which Radiohead song!
Who is this man? (wrong answers only)
Say anything and ill connect it to SLIM SHADY
What’s yours?