PPL routine, what is your opinion?
Help me get more motivation
Noile realitati economice - IT-ul nu mai e un domeniu de crestere
105kg of front squat
Alternative hosting companies not azure plz don’t say but why!
New Mokapot upgrade is going well
Looking for at least 12 testers for my app. Will test yours!
Is this a good flow?
Blown Away
Moka pot bitter
How to create a app with great Ui/Ux as a developer?
Voi pentru ce folositi Raspberry Pi?
Should I changed to Kotlin Multiplatform
“We can’t verify your phone number right now. If this error persists, try verifying by receiving a call instead.” Google Play Developer Account Will Be Terminated by Nov 7
Hstl made doing well
'Unryu Kurou' in progress by Horizaru in Tokyo
Western Sleeve, what’s next?
C# MAUI pentru android si desktop
1,5 years healed front piece made by me (Ivan Zagusta), Zaraza Tattoo Warsaw, PL
My parents in the 70s & present!
Renuntare la programare pentru CTA - cea mai buna decizie ever
Stoked to find a sub to show this gal off!
Dacă ați avea un maxim de 10.000 € în ce i-ați investi?
What I wanted vs what I got
How do I fix my crooked tattoo? I think we made an error when placing the tattoo and it totally looks like the legs of the woman are not in the same line as the house etc. What do I do?