Stupid bears
My ideas for new regiments and guns (image unrelated)
Comment your avatars and I turn them into purposefully bad stickmans
Comment g&b silly images or memes or your teammates will never stop voting Roscoff
Show me your avatar and ill tell you if you'd be allowed in my party.
What would you remove from school?
Hi I'm back, so I will be giving you a threat level based of your avater (read desc if you need to)
Day 33 of daily memes
I built this Cathedral. What could I add?
Looking for someone to draw my avatar kinda like this (paying with robux)
What kind of animals you like to see being added to the game?
Finished legolizing all 10 avatars! Results:
Why didn't Crawford take the gun? Is he stupid?
Players: 'How many chaplains do we need?' Me: 'Yes'
Some anglaise pigs knocking on the door wanting to get inside, what should l do?
How bad I think each nation has it
Those damn Zappers in Roscoff
What regiment pack is this in? (No trolls I wanna buy it)
I was about to beat roscoff deathless but I didn't know the fallen men could be bombers so I melee'd one 😭😭😭😭
Dandy's World Elimination Round 25
Tell me your fav toon
Just keep messing with genetics
Got a new tablet but I lost all my progress how do I get it back?
How many tries did it take you to complete the FIRST searchlights encounter? NOT THE FINAL ONE (Image kinda related :D)