How do i get Fatalis research level 1?
Is Affinity actually good?
F8 wont take pictures with Surveyor Set
I cant get Celestial Prints for Immortal Reactor or Bazel Mantle
Why cant I fight Raging Brachydios again?
There's no way gunlance is good for Rajang
How should I improve my arms and legs
Massive trouble actually seeing Velkhana
Questions about clutch claw with GL and getting HR 50
Questiosn about Clutch Claw and HR
What armor is best for Royal Burst GL?
Is Bazelguese hunting me or am I crazy?
Does Princess Panoply actually apply poison?
How do I even use the gunlance on pc
I cant find a good site for Leviathan
How can I improve on drawing arms from here.
How has the City not died out by now?
New to Godot and cant get Area2D collision working right
RunAsInvoker wont work with Steam
Am I drawing arms right?
Why does every gacha game crash when moving the app to the background?
Why does this game drain my battery so hard?
Why are some of the difficulty stars purple? [fluff]
I cannot beat Rose Hunter
I cant solve this apparently trivial puzzle