What song are you picking?
Best Suit/Blazer Tailor in Patiala?
Milani powder's packaging looks different
Best Pathani kurta pyjama tailor in Patiala
R/Patiala 2025 prediction thread
Need help planning a first date in the city—suggestions for hidden gems?
What is your opinion on punjabi speaking parents forcing their kids to speak hindi?
Punjabi our mother language
Take two sunscreen for 350 free shipping
What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time? Everyone tells me to have a hobby and that will help me find more friends (and more), but the hobbies I have are all very individualistic.
What are your new year plans?
Former prime minister of India Dr.Manmohan singh ji has passed away. RIP sir 🙏🏻
Help in getting a dog rescued!!
Good chicken burger place??
Anyone help me find a PG/Room
Cheap places to buy random gifts for bf
Places to enjoy
Good Morning Patialvis!
Winter office look, scarf crocheted by girlfriend
Zara H&M black friday sale
Help me understand these words
Is this real or fake ?!
I’m a wedding planner! AMA
Ichiban all set for festival season
Kashni (ਕਾਸ਼ਣੀ)