How do you suck dick?
What is your tranthem? (trans anthem)
what are the first effects you noticed on hrt?
What dose were you on when you first started HRT?
20 days on T and got my period
NsFW Has t changed your sex drive
I need help
ways to stop ovulating
how often do you take your T shots?
Birth control recommendations?
do you have to take t for the rest of your life?
Dating a trans man ?
First T shot!!!!!!
Any movies or series????
Friends in Auckland area?
Transmascs of reddit, what are we wearing for Halloween this year?
What are your opinion on the center of youth health for trans people?
Did You Keep Your Middle Name?
what do you do with used syringes & needles?
Transition process
What was your starting dose, and what was your first dose increase?
How did you know you wanted to start T?
Who are y'all?
GP HRT experience