I love this unit
Are those new Icons for AA and Guard respectively?
Worth using coins?
What will happen on the global anniversary in July?
What do you think is the best frame from a SA ?
Story events that are comfirmed returning
Since Battle Hour is cancelled
Global Anniversary?
10th Anni Battlefield coming soon. [Like last year, the bosses could potentially give us hints about the theme and anniversary units]
New Red Zone. Apparently it's centered around most, if not, all of Goku's enemies
This is how their EZA would look like whenever they got it
PHY Gogeta was having a bit too much fun…
At the rate we're going, this guy's EZA will probably be this
He’s standing there… menacingly
Ppl gonna hate me but lwk his plat would be great rn
Do we have confirmation that Gogeta's zenkai drops tomorrow? I find it hard to believe that legends wouldn't take the opportunity to stretch out the content...
Could be better
Why no EZA banners as of late?
EZAs are live. Go nuts.
My dream 10th Anni 🙌
10th anni twitter teaser - Repost because my senile ass remembered how to download videos.
"Damn you Kakarot, I can't believe a battle-loving, kind-hearted EZA like you even exists! Only you can do this, you are number #1"
Guys, I know whose gonna be anniversary
EZA SSJ2 Goku ATK & DEF Calcs (by @RocketlizardOP on Twitter)
EZA SSJ3 Goku and Kid Buu ATK & DEF calcs