Trendlines and Averages per Category
Reports: What's on the roadmap and what do we want?
Cash flow color contrast/visibility is very poor in dark mode.
Can Monarch please increase the allowable cash flow chart horizontal density to prevent having to scroll left?
New UI Rollout Update Thread
Monarch update preview coming next week.
What happens to my account if subscription expires?
More time ranges on Monarch
I will not be renewing my subscription unless the graphs are fixed.
Scale of cash flow bars is affected by outlier expense from years ago
Switch to a Windows App and Dump the Web App
Where did the last 12 months option go in reports?
Please fix the massive, stretched containers & graphs on desktop. I use a pc to see more content, not have everything stretched to oblivion. Thanks.
Plea to the Monarch team...
investment transaction sync now! ...but are... negative income? App is broken
Tutorial on How to extract 3D models from Google Earth to get dimensions/proportions of building.
Just realized you can collapse groups on the accounts tab
The woman who died in the back of the police car in the river was named Tabitha Smith
Index all charts to zero!
Can we get an update from the Monarch team?
Progress Bars Should Include Rollover Money
Can I filter "Net Worth" by multi-selected accounts?
Investment Transactions - Expense/Income Inversion Support Update
Cash Flow Percentages Useless?
Could someone explain what the Savings category is in my Senkey? It's saying that I spent $12,213.33 from my paychecks to put in Savings. I did not do this and my Savings account does not have this amount.