If Seinfeld premiered today, what should be the cast?
What's your favorite word from the show?
ELI5: Why do people have different bloodtypes?
What are some instances where you think George was right?
If you would've to pick one dinner you could join from the show, which one would it be?
What's the weirdest thing you own?
What small things in life makes you happy?
Without telling your age. What was a normal thing to do when you were young that no one does now?
With only one quote, what's your favorite movie?
Without telling your age, how old are you?
What is George's most successful moment?
Like Ben Dover, what's your favorite pun name?
[Serious] [NSFW] What's something that a friend/classmate did in high school that was seen as funny at the time, but you now realise was actually not ok?
What is the worst name you’ve ever heard?
What is the most unnecessary fact you know?
What did you recently learn?
What do you wish you were good at?
What is the oldest thing you own?
What makes you different from other people?
Which is the most famous person you've met?
What ridiculous thing do people brag about for some reason?
What do you waste too much of your money on?
What is the most expensive thing you've lost?
Sunrise in Sweden
Haunted house