Just got back from my first ride
What aesthetic is this called
Plus-sized inspiration from @richmond_rockson on Instagram
First time going business formal at work. Any suggestions for good affordable leather shoes?
Nerds of CREddit... I mean, Excel gods of CREddit!
Motorcycle at 40 wife not accepting
Anyone in finance who didn’t major in finance ?
I want to do a motorcycle road trip this summer, never ridden a real bike before. Too ambitious or doable?
You should take a walk even if your headphones arn't meant for it
What's the program, website, or app that you still mourn?
Pet insurance conundrum: deal with the devil or not?
Leave IB for my GF?
Career Change - Senior Commercial Property Manager to RE Asset Manager
Dropped her today :(
Date night with girlfriend, how’d I do? Chose to go with a blue, green, and grey motif. Brand new color combination for me, too much grey?
How do y’all work through being lonely
When is the right time to start dating again after a breakup?
Husqvarna Vitpilen or Svartpilen
best to transport a motorcycle without riding it home
Men in their 20's who have dated drop-dead gorgeous girls, what were the pro's and con's?
scared of riding motorcycle
Looking for resume critique. CRE agent for 7 years and now looking for a salary position
Just bought my first bike!
Questions for first bike
Considerations: going from real estate PE back into investment banking