You are also very embarrassed to show people what you enjoy doing?
What is the worst gift your narc parents gave you or someone else?
This isn’t normal is it?
Do you need your parents?
Did anyone's dad warn them about their nmom?
The manipulation has left me all over the place
my mom died and I feel relieved
I wish my parents just disappeared from my life
How can I struggle with my mental health if I’m so lucky in life???
I hate my mother
I'm going to cut off my parents
Anyone else spending Christmas completely alone?
Whats your mask?
Experienceing racism in Berlin.
How to stop being a weak push over
My Mind Never Shuts Up – Is This What Life Feels Like for Everyone Else?
What do you hold onto when you're struggling?
Weltreise oder Sparen?
Don't want to look needy
Narcisstic PD and borderline at the same time?
Wenn ihr Kanzler wärt: Was würdet ihr am BAföG verändern?
Jugendamt einschalten?
Why are there no movies about people with bad parents??
what did feeding/meals look like for your child with DS at 1 year old?