It will happen
Das neue "Linkin Park"-Album ist scheiße (mMn)
Eben bemerkt: "Hitschler" heißt nun "Hitschies"?!
An open letter on the state of affairs regarding the API pricing and third party apps and how that will impact moderators and communities.
Was letzte Wucher...
Jep, die haben das alle damals nur aufgezeichnet, aber lügen tun die auch!
Would this be clickable ? If so which one better
der verschwörungsmarathon in fraupeppers instastory ging gestern noch weiter
Bottoms Bikini Up Bar
Of course
Eindeutige Beweise, dass es bald los geht!
There seems to be No sign of intelligent Life anywhere
Found this on iFunny
An annoying pest is shoo’d out of a store with ease.
K lol
RemindMe! in 8 days
Found on a Christian anti-dino FB page. Yes, they are serious.
We’ll Review YOUR YouTube/Twitch Channel I’ll be doing this today at 6-7pm central time
Another variation of "women only want Chad"
Friends post on Instagram....
virgin moment
ShE CHoSe ThE OGre