Josh coming to the KCA stoned and wearing bapestas will never NOT be funny😭
Why is it that black men expressing interest in white women is questioned so much?
Who was your celebrity crush growing up?
Pink Starbursts are the worst flavor.
one of the most funniest scenes in the show 😂
does anyone know truly why Dana’s character was written off??
Do women get mad/upset when men don’t make a move?
Season 1 and 2 vs. Season 3 and 4
What factors for you would indicate a woman who has not done well in life?
Women who like (male)nerds, what is a nerd to you and why is that hot?
it be like that
telling my kids this is DrakeBell & JoshPeck
What are your Hot Takes on DAJ?
I’m about to give up on buying Uggs
What eye , hair , skin color combo you prefer in men ?
What are some things that make you go, I am glad I am not a man?
If you guys could make an episode, what would it be?
I confessed to my crush but I don’t think he likes me back
Which would you prefer: having a son or a daughter? What would be your reason for that choice?
How do you deal with your partner‘s family not liking you?
I watched Josh's v-card video with Drake
What age did you get a gf?
Which subreddit do you think has the most incels?
During the shows run we're there ever any rumors of the cast using drugs?
21 years ago today Drake & Josh premiered. Did you like the show ?