Take your mind off Kratos vs Asura by debating a Jinx vs Harley rematch.
Empyrean zac
I watched Suits, then watched B99, then watched Suits again, and i never even noticed
The goat may not appear in the episode and I’m sad
How do you forgive yourself?
So this happened
Day 79: How would you rate this death? (The Imposter)
Day 76/Continuation: How would you rate this death? (Bardock)
Good person with divided opinions ?🤔
I've seen people sometimes "criticize" Death Battle for not discussing hyperversal or outerversal tiers of power despite talking about some characters on that level. What do you think, should they start using words like "Hyperversal" and "Outerversal"? (Image unrelated)
Today is good day
Just trying to understand
Why didn't Mike just learn all there was to know about Harvard?
Carl's virginity?
this guys a dick.
Debbie Gallagher’s worst action?
First time growing my beard - untrimmed for 3 months, I'm 16. Thoughts on it? Should I keep it growing?
Gyms in Leuven Close to Center
Just finished the show
When you criticise the show because characters do things OOC and the defense is 'The show is called shameless, it is a show about characters doing shameless thi...'
Why is Sean an asshole?
I swear Kevin gets buffer each season
Reminder that Cyril still doesn't know he's a father
Why do people think sex makes your butt bigger? 😭