GDP stonks
Neet pg candidates choosing branches
American commentator goes off on a racist rant against Indian doctors!
Guys theres hope
IMA stepping up
Guys spam this template on NBE greivance addressal portal
bursitis shoulder
The report says there’s a mild retrolisthesis of L5 over S1, I can’t seem to figure how?
What do y’all think?
Dream branch??
How good is orthopaedics as a career option (for me)?
Is leaving India as a doctor really that obvious of a choice?
Why I Left India After NEET PG and Why You Should Consider It Too
Going abroad. Before or After PG?
Why is Anaesthesia opted last in counselling?
Are there any Indian Doctors who did their residency in US and came back to India to practice ? If yes then is it tough for them to settle in the work culture here ?
Why do we dissuade juniors from entering this profession when there’s literally like 20 specialties to choose from?
Does dams emedicoz have the right PYQs?
Whats the most ruthless/merciless disease you’ve ever seen
Surgeons and Orthopods of this subReddit..what was the moment that made you go for your speciality?
Best note taking app for iPad?
General advice from a Radiologist.
Ye fas gaya
Beautiful Tosh ❤️
PSA for those who are looking to go abroad