Review and Raises
Training for Team Lead?
Questions for Fellow TLs/ETLs
Can you order team leads desk?
Team Lead Meeting Question
The CEO is supposed to be at the store tomorrow
Yes, hours are being cut and will get worst after Christmas!
Where’s my money??😭😭
A ver comunidad tengo una duda,¿Ustedes maman culo en el sexo?
What watches are you rocking at work?
Hours Cut?
Will I get the a pay increase bonus?
Que tan importante es el sexo en las relaciones ¿?
A las mujeres les gusta que le chupen el Anastasio?
What does (95) mean?
Calling out policy
Should I fight my raise?
Kind of upset with my performance review.
Can I resign from home on the app?
Thanks guys, rents only due this week
Anyone know what this means?