How the history of humanity would look like if Earth didn't have any mountains? Like literally all of the land is flat as pancake
Autódromo Bragança 🇵🇹
What city did I take inspiration from?
My first time building a custom airport. How's the initial layout? Of course I will detail it later
A project for a circuit but you guys choose the corners
I'm creating a list of places I want to visit (basically the whole world) and I flagged each city and place with a color of the regions I made up to sort them
Created something that is claimed to be "the roundabout killer"
Roundabout in the small neighbourhood
Football stadium in a close proximity to a highway
Recently fell in love with turbo roundabouts
Worst mainland location to get stranded on earth
Trying to get a hi from every subdivision(except North Korea ofc):Day 2
Kind of simple turbo roundabout
Are there any location on the planet like Iceland where ice and fire coexists in the same place?
Steam took away $14.5 for no reason
Countries that only have one timezone (their country)
For me it was Taiwan
there are more Mongols in China than Mongolia. are there any other instances where a country named for a certain ethnic group doesn't have the biggest population of that ethnic group?
How different would the world be if the Ice Age had continued until today?
All cities that held UEFA Champions League matches from 2017/18 season onwards
Who would win in this hypothetical war?
How many Luxembourgs can fit into each European country (2.586 km2)?
F1 Pacific GP | Osaka Bay Street Circuit at the 2025 World Expo
If you could only use one R6 operator for the rest of your life who would it be(one on defense one on attack)
the most voted for country will not get removed (day 0)