In the wild
Made me chuckle
My cat lost his markings over time
Fuckass shark
What is the name of this type of clouds?
Suggestion: Weekly badges to indicate boss completions
Surveillance testers: Did you take note of people's boogers?
Small section of realm that I worked hard on
Qiqi's hat has a stylized BB (for Bubu Pharmacy?)
does the extended drop period apply to switching courses to S/U as well?
Sex on Thursdays
2 years ago, a stranger sent me a pack of stickers!
Hannah Epperson - 40 Numbers (Iris) [experimental chamber pop] (2018)
Driving on a clear road
'Whale whisperer'
Beautiful paragliding footage, cloud suck [2172 views]
My Forward(W) is F*cked
Haven't been able to get far in the game because my walking buddy can't go for more than a few blocks these days. Until yesterday, that is! Three hatches, 7 candies, and counting!
Pottermore Patronus test - all possible questions
A colony of garden eels, swaying along with the current while feeding
Crab swarm, 360 m deep.
Why do people get mad at you for lying?
Candy Butchers - What To Do With Michael [Pop] (2004)
Men's Fitness Magazine Has Non-Consensual Dating Tips