Axolom collection + Flexit harness photos
Axolom hyperon, C1
Did you have to learn to walk/sit/stand different?
Advice Needed on Realistic Prosthetics for Intercourse
Sale post #1 of multiple coming
Marq’s 2025 Prosthetic Collection
Prosthetic Collection and Squish Comparison
Gendercat 3" Gendermender nudes
Current collection
piercing packers question
packing underwear recs? (especially pouches)
Gramma's Sausage and sleeping
what axolom packer would be most similar to the noodie?
Pros/Cons to buying the Axolom Hyperon now vs. later (cost, color, etc).
Stroker like fantisticocks etsy
What is(are) your current packer setup(s)?
Which of these do you think would work best with a spouti?
Emisil er01
Axolom Hyperion C04 dick pics
Can’t find info on the kind of strap I’m looking for
Review: All the STPS i’ve ever had
Cleaning axolom Stp
Axolom Hyperon, a little too soft?
DIY to make a shitty harness work?😭