Nasipyat ako Doctor, okay pa ko? Unsaon mani?
The Doctor made a mistake
yellow green discharge
Mother's Restaurant in Ayala
When did you stop bleeding after birth?
What color did you get your s24 ultra in? And do you regret it?
How much sleep are you getting per night and how old is your LO?
Gas and straining to poop is NORMAL in newborns - a PSA to myself and others like me
My OB keeps telling me that first babies are almost always late. Is this true?
I miss my newborn.
Just a quick rant
Signs you were about to go into labor.
What's one thing that smells so good but isn't perfume?
How to tell when you’re having Braxton hick contractions
Which store would you shop at if everything in that store was free for 30 minutes?
Anong favorite mong chichirya na tig-pipiso noong bata ka?
Finally has joined the club!
What's a smell you can't stand?
Mother in law drama
Do belly belts help with back pain?
Did you scream?
What’s the most shocking thing you saw when you visited someone’s house for the first time?
Fellow pregnant people obsessed with cereal, what is your current pick?
What subscriptions are not worth it to keep anymore? 💀