CD 28, 7DPO, fainter today?
Wondering Wednesday
Wondering Weekend
Why are my ovulation tests getting lighter at CD11?
Anyone Else Not Liking the Freaky Friday "Guests"?
People who knew someone who died in a freak accident, what happened?
What's a case you know of that you want covered?
For those of you who now know, what was your trigger?
Any fellow simmers in the group? 😬
[deleted by user]
What is a song you cannot listen to for an emotional reason?
Jenelle Reacts To Her Past Self
What conspiracy theory do you completely believe is true?
This may be one of the worse
so... you’re proud that you made a scene when it was your fault for being late? (and don’t even get me started on her comparing pots to cancer)
What 'joke' is long past it's sell by date and needs to be officially retired?
2 things participants always say that annoy me
What was the worst physical pain you have ever experienced?
Struggling with the death of a friend
Which cancelled tv show do you wish would come back?
What is the thing you envy of the opposite sex?
Redditors, have you ever been in a community so toxic you had to leave? If so, which one?
Help! Puppy is losing his mind during the day when not being supervised!
I’ve been wanting to share my baby for so long! This is Morris, 7 months 🥰
AITA for telling my wife I don't want her mother in the delivery room when our 1st child is born?
Did we really need to know that Ren?🙄