Jour du gâteau + chamedi
Le Romano Fafard partira dans 10 ans
On a eu de la visite en ce chatmedi!
Le roi de la boîte
Photo Friday: Please share your favourite photos from Greece here.
What are your favorite unique addresses from around the world?
Bonjour à vous québécois qui travaille comme officier de pont (ou officier de quart), afin de mettre un peu de lumière sur ce métier, pourriez-vous expliquer votre travail en commentaire ?
À partir de seulement 900k +tx… Je suis triggered
[Thank you] for all the house warming and birthday wishes!! (PART TWO)
[Thank You] To 24 Redditors! (Woohoo, I'm all caught up!)
[Thank You] Summer greetings from u/corinne1306!
[Thank You] for the mail 💌
[Thank You] Facts, cats and turtles!
[Request] After everything, it’s finally official… WE’RE HOMEOWNERS!!! Help me warm up my mail box!! 💌 (+ my birthday!) [USA]
[Thank You] a bunch of thank yous to some awesome cards :)
[Request] Father's Day cards in my style [USA]
[Thank you] Big batch of thank yous!
[Thank You] for the happy mail 💌
[Thank You] all you wonderful people
[Offer] Contest 😏 [CAN to WW]
[Thank you] 🎈🎂Birthday Card Thanks!🎂🎈
[Thank You] for all the uplifting cards!
[thank you] quickly!
[Thank You] for another batch of happy mail
[Request] 20th Birthday [Canada]