TIL about "The Swan," a 2004 reality show where participants underwent extreme makeovers, including plastic surgery, to transform from "ugly ducklings" into "swans" for a final beauty pageant.
Sammy Davis Jr. with his DeLorean in 1981
TIL Dr. Pepper promised a free can to everyone in the US (except Slash and Buckethead) if Guns N' Roses released "Chinese Democracy" in 2008, but faced a lawsuit when they couldn't deliver after the album's release.
TIL about Scottish inventor, James Bowman Lindsay. In 1835, Lindsay demonstrated an early version of an electric light in public - predating Thomas Edison's invention by decades.
TIL that no English manager has ever won the Premier League since it began in 1992.
Stephanie Laine - Look Into My Eyes
FizzX - No More Running Away
DJ Grom, Maxim Kovalskiy - Ambit [2024]
Rafael Santti - TeLa
Does anyone know what happened to Bobby Puma?
Saint Getty - Eden
Saint Getty - Eden [2024]
Maxxem - Dreams
Moey - Need Your Love
Please make a fun Christmas picture. Maybe me and the tree in a winter wonderland or in a snow globe. Thank you 🎅🏻🎄
"Lilith" by Naeleck, BIGMOO and Paul Keen has reached 10M streams on Spotify
HR Department - Brozz
Dillon Lemire - Split
You Liang - Moonlight (Radio Edit) [2024]
Jason Cogua, Hybrid Noise - Reason
Monic, Beshen - Stay
Ibiza in the 90s