Which saree should I wear on my farewell??
Pull My Tail :3
What's stopping you?
Hardships of living in india a handsome boy ( part 2 )
How many opposite gender people do you talk to?
What are some non sexual things you'd like to do when you get a gf/bf?
Share a serious issue and I'll give you free, useless advice (that sucks) cuz I'm bored
Ladies never forget thisssss
Farewell outfit help needed urgently!!!
Guys, How were you introduced to the world of Reddit
Guys? Was she flirting
Rejected from club
Did I Just Meet a Reddit Stranger as Salvation?
Most embarrasing/akward things you ever did!
I got suspended for two week from my school
How do I manage my oily scalp in winter?
can someone pls help me , this thing is not in my other hand , it hurts when i press it , should i go and see a doctor ?
70% of Indian youth prefer having pets over kids. If true then what animal will you have as a pet?
What is most loving thing someone has done for you?
Is showering 3 times a day normal?
Avg Girl needs π(we crave this too)
Tell me your chxd gaye guru moment
Do girls play video games?
drop the funniest business names you've come across