What do we think Gabriel’s favorite flavor vape is?
Socks instead of pants??
I hate the way Soap holds Ivory.
Reminded me of a little special someone 💕🎀💖
In recent pics of Drue leaving elephant tusk in the bath supposedly unattended-do we think Drue knows infant CPR💕💖😝✨💕
She is so rude!!
On behalf of Drue and Gabe snark
On behalf of Drue and Gabe snark…
9/5/24 - Vlog - Our 1st Time as a Family of 3!! - part 1
Drue is a bad mom
Holding Ivory for the first time
Why not wait until the baby is ready? As a NICU mom, I would never wish that upon anyone.
Do you all think Gabe will need a fan when she’s pushing 😂?
“I can’t help it, ivory wants it!”
The hottest lovey
What day do y’all think big mama will have Blanca?! 👶🏻🍼🤰🎀✨🪩
Where’s the $$$$ camera?
“I hate going places alone”
The reason Drue isn't showing her ultrasounds.
Drue and Gabe discussing who Amelia looks like