Dinosaurs are fail
Star Voyage
I'm too scared to play counterstrike
Apple Telephones of the far future?
I locked the taskbar but I forgot the key!
Plants are idiots
How to create food using a tractor?
Which legal performance enhancing substances to use in MLB?
I have to play Go on a 4D tesseract board
Cross country knitting?
Should Florida seal off and drain the Gulf of Mexico to achieve greater living space?
Is Canada the Mexico of Alaska?
How to make a living sailing non-stop and never step on land again?
Horse seatbelt/airbag in case of crashing the horse?
How to stop from being sued if I hit the ball too far?
I was menaced by an elephant on my way to work!
Cross country golfing?
How many spoons are there in the Universe?
Creating/burying artificial rocks to confuse future geologists?
Jazz police?
1:400 pebble crawling?
I just got rejected by the US, but can I move to America's hat, Canada, instead?
Is it now illegal to have sex with interns?
The pull up alarm and the stall alarm are going off at the same time
What's the point of Tennessee?