is this normal?
should i seek out a more specific diagnosis?
thought i had POTS, now i’m not sure
product recommendations for fine, low porosity hair?
do i have it?
was able to hang out with friends without worrying about leg pain
is there a reason my left side holds the waves better than the right side?
how to get my curls back and maintain them?
meds making me sick now?
how to drink more water
how to eat with no appetite
showering is suddenly difficult
UTI causing cardiac issues?
i feel like a bad girlfriend
my little sister came out to me
wish my mom would just fully understand
left turns make me nervous
burnt out already
how to get used to driving long distances
how can i keep myself cool in the car?
is a 7 day “work week” too much?
what if i can’t handle my dream career path?
can’t stand/walk for long periods of time
set back from getting honked at
can’t join in on family fun