The real dynamic duo 🦇🇺🇸
Waddya think about my collection?
Found them at Target!
So tempting but that price of 69.99….
Thanks for Nothing, Walmart!
Amazon has the Green Lantern 2pk - Check that out
What I got for 80
Someone tried to pose him as the movie?
Name this trio
Platinum: Batman Armored
Platinum: Superman (false god)
Someone interested in trading?
Was not expecting! Target finds.
Local Target now…
Platinum: Batman Knightfall (Cowl)
Platinum: The Penguin
Platinum: Bullseye Batman
Finally found HIM! Ultimate Warrior!
Walmart: after some visits…finally 1 platinum.
Can't decide which one to keep
Had to over pay on ebay but I got him. I was tired of wasting gas looking everywhere.
A Plethora of Supermen
These have been sitting here all week
Amazon Sale!