Get out you cunt and I mean that in the American mean way 💅🏻
Forgot to Add Oil in the Differential of a 2022 Cupra VZ: What Should I Do?
Be real, Greenland would be lucky as fuck to be part of America and would benefit greatly
Need music recommendation like in this video game trailer
Stalker 2 is clearly unfinished
This is just dumb.
How to code every day?
Useless but cool feature 😂
I tried out German, but for some odd reason it was easier for me to pick up. Could this be genetics
"We have 4.2 MILLION miles of roads in the U.S. Guess how many miles of roads the entirety of the UK has.. yeah.. they have 262k miles of roads."
Upcycled some bowling alley lanes for flooring in my renovation project!
Is the flashbang anomaly the most annoying thing in the game?
That advice was not free…
Totally feel it...
“Can we keep it?”
APSB / Encourage - the overpowered pistol
Assault vehicles of russian army
"There's a reason why America is so much more advanced technologically than other nations."
The aftermath of an anti-tank mine explosion on an armored vehicle carrying russian invaders
Russian soldier decided to film his wounded comrade while he was screaming in pain instead dragging him to safety.
62k in losses over 3 years
Buck buck buck
“Full Blooded Italian”
A russian invader recorded a video, going from 'Advancing, securing positions, everything’s good' to 'I’m lying here like a sieve, shot all through' - the last words of a dying invader.
Question: Has my ceramic coating failed, or is it just less hydrophobic?