To new parents with fur babies...
Brother (23) and his Girlfriend (24) are going to be new parents, help me come up with a list of things they need to buy!
6 month old appointment tomorrow
Annoyed at my MIL in regards to my son
Is legit?
How to not nurse to sleep
Monet getting called out
I have a theory
Who would you want to see on Season 4?
Foods you hated as a kid
I know someone posted the screenshot of this but my god 😅😅😅
Pet Insurance Quote
The poor little armmmmm!
Frankie and her delusions
Baby hates people wearing coats?
She’s always so bitchy.
This is getting spicy
My little preemies!
Baby moms
English Bulldog owners: what's your dog's favorite toy?
How often are y’all bathing your 4-6 month old, not crawling babies?
What does your babe or you call your milk?
What do you say to your LO when they burp?
He was acting up 5 minutes ago LOL