Is this ugly?
What should I name her?
Is this a good amount of thermal paste?
CPU now idles at 70 degrees..
If you initiate a votekick for a commander - you sure as hell better replace him if it goes through.
Made it.
Joined VW fam with the ‘24 SE sunroof package. I managed to get the price down quite a bit and it came out to just a bit more than the base S. Every time I drive, I love it more. I didn’t notice the blue interior accent until I got home, but I really like it.
Has coolant intrusion can i use it like this and just add coolant?
Are these bald faced hornets?
Joined the club!!!
Which unit should I buy next?
When looking at my team, some of their levels are bouncing up and down?
GTX 1080 Ti Remember That Name
Finally joined the club and got all my classes to lvl 10 now for lvl 500
Random Restarts When Gaming?
Random Restarts During Some Games?
Random restarts during some games?
HLL Causing Random Shutdowns??
What a tool.
Cylinder 4 misfire - what else could be causing this?
Cylinder 4 misfire - what could be causing this?
Never going into the ocean again!
Rhyniognatha Dino Carry Speed is extremely slow??
A day after installing new RAM, I get random restarts every 15-45 minutes.