Struggling with Studying and Exams as a Medical Student – Need Help!
Landlord is insane and we need advice
GIM BST questions
GP/psych training opportunities/competition for non eu imgs
Double pay for covering someone’s shift alongside your own?
I’m suspicious that one of my SHOs never went to medical school
Is 45 patients per day doable as a GP?
Rent budgeting advice
Married an Irish guy, it's my 4th Christmas in Ireland. I might die from all the boiled veg.
How to address having to run clinics without senior supervision?
Best travel company for a package holiday
Well lads. It's happened!
MMI GP applications
How does a doctor completing residency in the Europe move to Ireland ?
Nearly got ran over, AGAIN
AITA for Refusing to Drop My Ex-Husband’s Last Name?
SJT and CPST, how long do they take?
Taking a 10-12 months off for pregnancy/maternity leave
The Hardest Part of Residency
Nightlife - why don't YOU go out any more?
SHO St Vincent's interview
ICGP application advice
Locuming in ED as year 1 SHO - any advice?