Name suggestions??
This should have stayed an idea
Who said that bettas need a 1 gallon tis is my 70 liter with a full grown betta
Timeline of my community tank
Wat should i do with this tank
Aquael tank with Guppys
Can anyone tell me what is this?
Update on my shrimp tank
Big snail
30 Liter Cube
Bro wtf is this
My corydoras are sitting apart and on plant is that bad
New fishkeeper here
Help me ??!
Update on shrimp tank
Plzz rate my first aquarium
I replaced my 16 gallon with a 20 gallon three weeks ago. I'm not sure if I like this hardscape I made. What are your thoughts?
My people need me
My first aquascape
What do I do with all this duckweed??
60g planted tank, tips?
Is this bad or good
Any suggestions for monster fish tank
My first planted tank - Two month update / comparison