Are we ENFP's intimidating?
INTJ x ENFP is a very popular ship for some reason. To those of you who are ENFP, what exactly does an INTJ offer you?
What do you love about yourself? no, really?
ENFP's which preference type make the best partners in your experience?
Someone at a gay sauna told me go back to China
How high can you hear?
Avoidants and polyamory
Had compersion during first hang with partner and meta
First time visitor - where to go?
Meet Buttercream the tomcat. He's the bestest boy ever.
The most handsomest boy, Buttercream
Buttercream stole my seat
Retirement saving plan - need advice
Tragically overlooked albums from otherwise popular bands
Planning for retirement
Are bonds a good idea? If they are, where do I even start?
What's your go-to movie that you'll never turn down?
My amazing art book fair find.
Idk if I’m big tbh I need some more opinions?
When did you realize you married the wrong person?
A small local movie theater me uses reusable metal bowls for the popcorn
What have you learned about polyamorous people in the wild that differs from what's presented here in this subreddit?
They said he was fierce and was scheduled to be put down. Just needed a little love.
We adopted the best cat ever. Meet Buttercream the cat.
What's the most creative song lyric you've ever heard?