What are little things people do that get on your nerves?
If money was no issue, where would you live?
Books that accurately capture the experience of soldiers and civilians during war?
For people never exposed to war, movies that capture the experience of soldiers and civilians.
Characters you are not quite sure how to feel about?
How do you create characters that you fall in love with?
Which book inspired you to become a writer? I don't mean instructional books but books that were so well written that you wished you had written them?
Did you ever read a book that made you feel manipulated? What was about it?
What is the secret to the success of Taylor Swift and Beyonce?
Sister chromatid cohesion establishment during DNA replication termination (Science mag)
Wives with long and high-quality hair have more frequent sex, according to an online study from South Korea (N = 204 heterosexual couples)
Must watch War/Military/History movie or tv show?
Marty talks about the difference ands imilarities between De Niro and DiCaprio
Personal Misconduct Elicits Harsher Professional Consequences for Artists (vs. Scientists)
Personal Misconduct Elicits Harsher Professional Consequences for Artists (vs. Scientists):
Anybody else annoyed by the advice that when you are unsure how to act, you should do what the average person or other people do?
Which movie really shouldn't have been as good as it was?
Which actor seemed to start out very strong but then suddenly or gradually recede into the night?
What are some movies with strange titles or titles that seem unfitting?
Household food insecurity is associated with greater prevalence and 18-month incidence of a range of disordered eating behaviors.
Personality disorders are not as stable as often assumed: A recent review of 40 studies (38,432 participants) found that 57% maintained the diagnosis of "any personality disorder", and 45% maintained the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder over time.
New research shows that in dyadic interactions, greater inequality produces more negative emotional responses, reduced desire for closeness, and harsher evaluations of one’s partner.
Handedness in twins reared apart: A review of the literature and new data finds similar levels of concordance/discordance for reared-apart monozygotic (MZA) and dizygotic (DZA) twins.
Any good recent books analyzing how cinema has been changing and evolving most recently or how it may change in the future?
Are there books that you are reading (or have read) that you do not tell at least some people in your life out of shame?