I don't understand why they say angela is not beautiful?
Please GGG do not get soften
We are officially one month in! What are your thoughts on The War Within?
I was about to quit the league
Last portal
Penance Brand of Dissipation build giveaway! 1000D+
Sold my first ever 100+ divine item today!
I'm a bit afraid of this
Why can’t warriors deal with incorporeal yet?
Looking for server
GIVEAWAY, Full Magic Find mageblood build
Perfect name for a Tauren Warlock in 10.1.5…
Tell me what is the funnest part of your class / spec without naming the class / spec
I never smoked because of Metal Gear Solid. What small detail in gaming / film has had a lifestyle effect on you?
What is this error and why do I keep getting it when I change area or enter a map?
Something’s Still Amiss
3.19 teaser trailer this week
What is the one line of dialogue from a game that will stick with you forever?
What key is your interrupt bound to?
WOTLK og vets, what is one sentence/thing that describes the xpac for you?
Im between two gpus
if I like the pace of Fury warrior, Whats another class id like?
Army ants build bridge to invade wasp nest
My items suddenly went missing
Thank You Path of Exile and GGG