looking for video
best place to read it
when did y’all stop growing?
Will a size 4 fit?
are redraws done for now?
Best website to read it?
Chapter 512 Raw Discussion
anybody got missing pages on void translated
Proof that people will argue about just anything , so ima just leave this here
Have a norwiegan elden ring disc but a Canadian PlayStation account
How does the anime compare to the manga and ln?
Ranked the bosses based on difficulty for my first playthrough
what’s the best ar and smg currently?
who do you think will win this season?
Was it always meant to be this way?
difference between manhwa version and manga version
Ijichi's Colosseum: Powerscaling Megathread
Powerscaling Saturday - Free Posting
Top 8 Strongest Females JJK Characters W/ Minimal Explanations
Saw a VS on tiktok again. Who wins this time?
If Yuta fought Kenny in a straight fight could he still win?