I love drawing trees, but this time I let my imagination run wild while creating one. This is how it turned out—what do you think? 😁
Does mine belong here?
My new 7-legged friend (H. Diardi). Food related name suggestions welcome 💖🕷️
What is this design supposed to be??? Glass plate
Captive bred baby tokay gecko
Taking off his glove
Green tree ant-mimic spider gets spooked by an actual ant whilst doing its best to mesmerise me 🤣
What are these?
New Leos! Need advice!
No survival skills
Why’s he trembling as he walks
Hand feeding my visually impaired Leo
How many leopard geckos do you have?
Who is your favorite penguin villager?
Getting back into the hobby after a big move. Just picked up this gorgeous girl today! H. Diardi, one of the largest jumping spider species in the world 🥳
Food related name suggestions for my female Hyllus diardi?
Needing a grocery/food inspired name.
having a bad day, share your little goobers
Do millipedes and isopods get along?
Safe for millis?
Just a little guy, or a terrorist?
What bug is this? located in AZ
feeling very sad in the hospital rn, send pics of your Leo's to cheer me up? :')
Do I have a lizard or a cat?