My thyroid
Keep your eyes open
Tot lot toys gone?
Just wondering…. Anyone else not listened since November?
Capitol Hill sovereign citizen
Remembering the kitties that left us in 2024 💫
Good weather, good vibes.
Jinx Monsoon and Ben Dela Creme are national treasures but The Moore leaves something to be desired.
ADHD breakthrough study shows that medication is more effective than talking therapy and brain stimulation in treating adults with ADHD
Several of the unidentified objects over Tacoma?
"Off Yourself"
Is there any reason why the half of the intersections on 37th seem to have no stop signs or roundabouts?
Food is Free 253
I want to be intentional about getting to know my neighbors and building community, but don’t really know how to start
Jeff Lewis’s Episode - Natalie Keeps Making the Guests Uncomfortable
Miss this man so much ! Bill had an incredible economy back in the 90’s! A surplus ! After 12 years of a republican having the White House , Bill came out of nowhere literally, and beat Bush Sr. What a great time to be a democrat back then ! We miss you Bill as our president!
Tell me something neutral (biannual edition)
We The People…and that’s it.
My evening look! Would love your thoughts!
Trump the boomer and his picks
For the “Friends” of the Pod who’ve spent two weeks gloating about Trump and Israel
For those who are unaware of the current TikTok drama, this woman leaves a message for her husband and his mistress.
We got lost somewhere along the way...
Opinions about these two auto body shops?
Why doesn't Tacoma have a homeless day shelter?