Fish hugs
Spotted Congo puffer tank mates
Which wood position do you like best? New 78 gallon comes next week (UNS 120p)
Thoughts on planting my first hardscape?
First Scape !
Recent rescape
Archer fish using water to shoot a worm down from a leaf above
Archer Fish shooting water to catch a worm on a leave above
This elusive asshole has caused me to spend thousands of dollars
What is the most spectacular place in the world you've hiked?
Convikt Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport
Which is nicer and/or quieter the Curry Village Cabins or the Wawona Hotel basic rooms
Badlands National Park, SD
Little cherry hanging out with my new chocolate gouramis.
My first planted tank
What are these bugs??
Can you have a heavily planted tank without CO2?
Locked in
Planted tank with purple flowering hygrophila
I don't know how to stop painting forests ☹️
What’s your oldest slab?
Yemen license plate spotted in Connecticut!
Arabic license plate spotted in Connecticut can someone confirm where it's from?