Jobwechsel mit weniger Lohn?
Welche ist die beste "Es ist wie... "-line von Kollegah?
How do I achieve such shading?
Freundin hat keine schönen Hochzeitsfotos
Stuck in New Scotland Yard/Digging Up the Past mission
Welche Figuren/Personen bringt man mit Weihnachten in Verbindung?
What’s your job, how long have you worked in it etc and how much do you get paid? I start:
You're given $10 million but can only spend it on things starting with the first letter of your name-what do you buy?
aNOtHer inNocENT TouRist GEts RObBed! BE SAFe Out thERE!
Nicotine pouches
Configuration Profile not Applying to all Devices
Minigolf in tamarindo?
I’ve been trying to play the game online with my buddy and when I we both get in the game the ballon raft thing isn’t there and we’re just stuck on the island not able to go anywhere is it supposed to be like that ?
¿Dónde fue tomada esta foto en manuel antonio?
Where was this photo taken in manuel antonio?
Manuel Antonio/Quepos to Tamarindo
Recently noticed that not all policies are applying to all devices
Gutes Geschenk für jemanden der bald viele Dienstreisen machen wird?
Snus/snuff at customs
Smoked meat
Ich bin gläubiger Katholik Ama
Win32 app with dependencies have errors
Sueche catering oder foodtruck für mi 30igste geburi nächst johr. Am beste burger oder pizza und zahlbar🤣 sind öppe 30 pers. I de region solothurn. Kennt öpper öppis guets? Bi für jedi hilf dankbar.
Don't bring salt to the beach