My eBay Listings
Light recommendations?
Thinking about going to check these out, what do you guys think?
When measuring a socket bit do you go straight across or diagonally?
Thrift finds today
Ain't this some shit?
Suggestions for reference sites?
L&L KILN, Monster. Bought on emotions for 5K, did I do OK?
Two snags and a few catch and releases from today
Fenton and Northwood
Is this Fenton or something else?
Show me your ashtrays!
1906 Duncan Miller Glass No 61 Sweet Pea Vase
Akro Agate Pumpkin Orange Slag Thumb Pot
Got faked out at goodwill :/
1991 Nick Delmatto Mushroom 10oz Paperweight
Blenko Critters Puppy Paperweight
Cadmium Yellow Basset Hound Puppy (I'm assuming that's what it is)
A blown glass compote I've been unable to ID for a while. Artist signed but I can't decipher it.