If you could ban one small, annoying habit people have, what would it be?
How do you "ground" yourself in your day to day life?
My (23F)Bf (M27) lied about wanting to get married and now is saying he is unsure about kids - Am i wasting my time?
Why do we judge people based on their handwriting?
There are wanna-be law enforcement. Are there also wanna-be fire fighters? And do they do equally cringey “exercises” and wear cheap gear?
The worst part of jazz is the drums
I 20M, My boyfriend(20M) on just over a year won’t stop flirting with people
If the majority of people say you're ugly, but you still get hit on (especially by men online) does it mean you're actually not that bad looking? or that people think you're easy to approach?
Yogurt is better without pieces of actual fruit in it
My bf (35m) telling everyone about my (35f) abortion?